Globe Trotsky photograhing the Vlata river in Prague

Prague: City of Contrasts

Prague is real city of contrasts where cobbled street and medieval squares mix with modern art. Photography, politics, architecture, communism, great public transport and lots to see and do. Throw in a strong drinking culture and you have the perfect Globe Trotsky-shaped city break.

Bronze bust Statue of Karl Marx in Chemnitz, Germany

Heading for ‘Skull Alley’

A cold, short, winter day in the small German City of Chemnitz, is not everyone’s
idea of a tourist day out.
But with a fascination for socialist realist sculpture and brutalist architecture, I had been salivating ahead of this trip for a several years.

Just one of the crowd

From football fan to photographer; my journey from the terrace to the touchline as a fan with a camera. Globe Trotsky explains why the beautiful game must make children not pay TV its core audience. Football is like a family member to me. I can’t ever recall a time when Read more…